We Promoted 170 Blog Posts on Quuu Promote, Here’s What We Learned
We take our content promotion strategy seriously and one of the tools we use to get our content out to the masses is Quuu Promote. Over the last couple of years, we’ve promoted 170 blog posts through their platform which, combined, have earned us 71,532 shares and 43,066 clicks through to our content. We’ve taken the time now to thoroughly review and analyze all of our results so we can share with you how we use Quuu Promote to drive more traffic to our site.
Interested in getting more engagement on your social media posts, automating part of your content promotion strategy, and paying less in cost-per-clicks to drive traffic to your site? Keep reading.
Table of Contents
What is Quuu Promote?
Quuu Promote is a content promotion channel that helps individuals, brands, and businesses find and share the best content online. Instead of manually finding and promoting interesting content online, people and brands use Quuu Promote to help automate the process so they can still share great content online without having to put as much time into it. Quuu Promote makes content promotion easy and automated while still maintaining a high level of quality.
Quuu Promote works in two ways: Either you can use it to find great content to share on your Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn profiles, or you can use Quuu Promote to promote your content to others that will then share your content on their social profiles. We use Quuu as part of our content promotion strategy, so we use it to promote our content to others so they can share it with their audiences.
Quuu Promote is unique from other content promotion channels in a few ways. First, they filter all content submissions through their own reviewal process where they weed out inappropriate, spam, and irrelevant content and they even make small edits to fix errors and typos. This ensures that everything being promoted and shared through their platform is high-quality and helps their users gain more social interaction.
Secondly, Quuu Promote segments every post promoted on its platform into interest categories so content is always being shared to the most relevant niche. This helps boost engagement and improves traction on the posts that you promote or share. There are over 500 topics to pick from, so there’s a category for every business.
Why We Use Quuu Promote
We first started using Quuu Promote as a content promotion method to add to our growing arsenal because, as the saying goes, you should spend more time promoting your content than you do writing it. To operate somewhat by that saying, we needed to spend more time promoting our content and Quuu Promote seemed like a great way to promote posts once but get as many eyes on them as possible.
Once we started using the platform, we quickly learned just how powerful it could be. All we needed to do was promote one post in Quuu Promote and we could have hundreds of shares and clicks straight through to our content. Our posts on Quuu Promote see more reach and engagement than posts on our social channels do, which means more traffic for us.
We also like how Quuu Promote operates the content sharing process. When we promote a post through Quuu Promote, it gets shared to the interest category that we select (which is usually “ecommerce” or “entrepreneurship” for us because that’s our core target audience) and then our post gets suggested to all the Quuu users who have subscribed to that interest category. Our post gets suggested to the users throughout the course of the content promotion (which lasts for 30 days) so our post doesn’t get lost in a sea of other posts which means shares and clicks continue to grow throughout the entire promotion period.
This is more than our social platforms can offer us, where the average lifespan of a tweet is 18 minutes and the average lifespan of a Facebook post is 5 hours. The 30-day lifespan of our posts on Quuu Promote means that our content survives online and gives more opportunities for our content to be discovered without us having to do more work.
Our Quuu Promote Results
All right, let’s jump into the good stuff! We analyzed the 170 posts we promoted with Quuu Promote and discovered some insights we thought would be interesting to share.
Posts with Long Captions
There’s some debate within the digital marketing community about how the length of posts impacts audience engagement. In our experience on our own social media platforms, typically shorter posts perform better because our audience seems to be less willing to read an entire paragraph of text as they’re scrolling past, so we thought we’d measure the engagement on long posts we shared through Quuu Promote to see if the results would be similar.
After comparing the Quuu Promote posts with long captions versus the ones with short captions, the results ended up being the same. On average, our posts with long captions received slightly fewer shares and clicks than posts with shorter, snappier captions. This indicates to us that, in general, punchy and to-the-point captions are something to aim for when promoting via Quuu Promote. That being said, since the posts are being promoted on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn the captions can only be so long. Twitter, for example only allows for 280 characters per post.
Posts with Numbers in the Caption
Another commonly discussed topic within the digital marketing community is whether posts with numbers in the caption perform better than those that don’t. Again, in our experience on our own social platforms, it’s generally the case that posts with numbers (like “5 Tips to Launch Your Online Store”) receive more clicks and shares simply because it’s thought to make the post more shareable. When we analyzed our Quuu Promote posts, however, we were proven wrong.
Our posts on Quuu Promote that featured numbers in the caption — whether at the beginning of the caption or just within the caption itself — actually didn’t generate more engagement than posts with no numbers in the caption. On average, the posts with numbers had pretty much the same engagement as posts that didn’t, so that’s something we’re taking into consideration when we promote posts in the future. Perhaps it’s a reflection of our audience and the types of articles they prefer to read and share, but using numbers to make the post more shareable didn’t work for us on Quuu Promote.
Posts with Questions in the Caption
A tactic we use to increase engagement on our posts is to ask a question. We use this as a way to get our audience thinking or to hook them in so they’ll want to actually click into the article to discover the answer. We reviewed our Quuu Promote posts to see how adding a question in the caption impacted the engagement and we were pretty surprised at the results.
Posts with questions in the captions received, on average, the same amount of shares as posts without questions but the posts with questions received fewer clicks. This was a very interesting result that we were not expecting, and perhaps reinforces the theory that people share content online that makes them seem smarter rather than content they’ve actually found useful. It seems likely that a post asking a question would attract these types of content-sharers, while in reality, it doesn’t actually make for compelling enough copy that makes readers want to click.
Posts with Hashtags or Mentions in the Caption
On average overall, our posts on Quuu Promote that featured either hashtags or handle mentions (using the “@” sign) or both, typically resulted in fewer shares but more clicks. Using these devices in our posts likely made it more engaging and, thus, more clickable because users were able to quickly identify who the post was for (the hashtags were usually #ecommerce or #entrepreneurship which is our target audience) and where the post was coming from (most posts with handle mentions were attributed to @ABLSecom which is our Twitter profile).
Including handle mentions, in particular, also helps promote our social profiles so new users can find us and follow us. This helps us build an audience and gets us more followers in our core audience checking in with our social profiles.
Posts that Get the Most Shares & Clicks
Now that we’ve discussed the results of our Quuu Promote posts overall, let’s hone in on the top-performing posts to see what, in particular, made them so engaging.
Posts with the Most Shares
Out of our top posts — the posts with over 1000 shares — 50% of them had a long caption and 33% of them had numbers in the copy. This might be confusing because, as we just outlined in the above sections, posts with long captions received slightly fewer shares and posts that featured numbers in the caption actually didn’t generate more engagement than posts with no numbers in the caption. So, what gives?
Well, those results showed on average how many shares long-captioned posts received and on average how many shares posts with numbers received. These results mixed together posts that received a very low number of shares with posts that received a large number of shares and then averaged the results, so it shows a diluted side of the story. When we focus exclusively on the highly-shared posts, we see that a mixture of using long captions as well as numbers in the captions makes it more likely that the post will be shared a greater number of times.
For our posts with 500+ shares (including the posts with over 1000 shares), 11% had questions in the caption, 24% had hashtags or handle mentions in the caption, 39% had a long caption, and 47% had numbers in the caption. This is useful information that we’ll keep in mind as we promote posts in the future, and we’ll likely continue to use a combination of these tactics in each post to maximize the sharing potential.
Posts with the Most Clicks
In terms of posts that received the most clicks on Quuu Promote, our data tells a slightly different story. 0% of our posts with questions in the copy received 1000 clicks or more, 0% also had a long caption, 50% had hashtags or handle mentions in the caption, and 50% also had numbers in the caption. This indicates to us that the same formula that helps a post get more shares doesn’t necessarily help it get more clicks.
For our posts with 500 clicks or more (including the posts with over 1000 clicks), 3% had questions in the caption, 9% had a long caption, 44% had hashtags or handle mentions in the caption, and 53% had numbers in the caption.
Based on the above results, we’ve discovered that the posts that received the most shares and clicks had this in common:
- Posts featuring hashtags and/or handle mentions in the caption and posts with numbers in the caption were more likely to receive a large number of both shares and clicks
- Posts with long captions were more likely to be shared a large number of times but not receive a large number of clicks
- Posts with questions in the caption didn’t necessarily help posts get more shares or clicks
Share & Click Distribution
As a frame of reference, if you’re interested in how many shares and clicks each of our posts received, we’ve listed out the distribution here to get a sense of how much engagement our posts achieved and how often we achieved each level of shares and clicks.
This is helpful information to know so you can understand what it might be like for you if you use Quuu Promote. As you can see, our posts didn’t receive a massive amount of shares or clicks every time, but by grouping the number of posts by the shares and clicks they did receive, you get a general understanding of how much engagement posts can get.
Share Distribution
As you can see, most of our posts received around 200-400 shares per post, and the fewest amount of posts received upwards of 700 shares.
- Posts with 0-100 Shares: 0 (Our least-shared post received 113 shares with 197 clicks)
- Posts with 100-200 Shares: 9 posts
- Posts with 200-300 Shares: 24 posts
- Posts with 300-400 Shares: 89 posts
- Posts with 400-500 Shares: 10 posts
- Posts with 500-600 Shares: 6 posts
- Posts with 600-700 Shares: 18 posts
- Posts with 700-800 Shares: 1 post
- Posts with 800-900 Shares: 3 posts
- Posts with 900-1000 Shares: 4 posts
- Posts with 1000-2000 Shares: 6 posts (Our most-shared post received 1679 shares with 795 clicks)
Click Distribution
The click distribution definitely leans to the front side of the scale with the majority of our posts receiving 200 clicks or less.
- Posts with 0-100 Clicks: 61 posts (Our least-clicked post received 7 clicks with 400 shares)
- Posts with 100-200 Clicks: 48 posts
- Posts with 200-300 Clicks: 16 posts
- Posts with 300-400 Clicks: 8 posts
- Posts with 400-500 Clicks: 3 posts
- Posts with 500-600 Clicks: 12 posts
- Posts with 600-700 Clicks: 16 posts
- Posts with 700-800 Clicks: 2 posts
- Posts with 800-900 Clicks: 0 posts
- Posts with 900-1000 Clicks: 0 posts
- Posts with 1000-2000 Clicks: 4 posts (Our most-clicked post received 1847 clicks with 1006 shares)
Share & Click Averages
When we compiled all the data for the above share and click distributions, something we noticed was that more shares did not automatically mean that a post received more clicks. This was interesting to us because it showed that to get excellent engagement on a post, you didn’t necessarily have to get the maximum number of shares each time.
- Posts with 100-200 shares received 100 clicks, on average
- Posts with 200-300 shares received 184 clicks, on average
- Posts with 300-400 shares received 246 clicks, on average
- Posts with 400-500 shares received 141 clicks, on average
- Posts with 500-600 shares received 238 clicks, on average
- Posts with 600-700 shares received 284 clicks, on average
- Posts with 700-800 shares received 54 clicks, on average
- Posts with 800-900 shares received 144 clicks, on average
- Posts with 900-1000 shares received 928 clicks, on average
- Posts with 1000-2000 shares received 653 clicks, on average
It’s shocking to us that posts receiving 700-800 shares received the lowest amount of engagement, on average. That’s a large number of shares to be getting so few clicks! And then posts in the 900-1000 range received more clicks, on average, than posts in the 1000-2000 range. The best discovery of all, however, is that posts in the 100-200 range generated nearly the same amount of clicks, on average. That’s almost a 100% engagement rate which is pretty impressive.
While we can’t completely explain why some posts received a higher number of shares than clicks, we believe it’s likely to do with the theory we referenced above that people share what makes them look smart and not necessarily what they’ve actually read and enjoyed. We think this means that people could be sharing our content without actually clicking into it at all.
Our Quuu Promote Strategy
Considering we’ve been using Quuu Promote as a content promotion method for a couple of years and we’ve put a fair amount of time into promoting posts on their platform, we thought we’d share some of our tips to help you get better results on your own Quuu Promote posts. We’ve also referenced some of the advice Quuu offers in their Quuu Promote Best Practices Guide so if you’re looking for more suggestions, check out their guide.
- Make Great Content: First and foremost, if you don’t have great content people won’t share it which means fewer shares and clicks overall. Focus on making great content, first. Check out our Content Strategy Guide to learn what we do to create great content.
- Create Compelling Copy: Whether you stick to long copy or straight-to-the-point sentences, better copy will mean better results.
- Adhere to the Guidelines: To maintain their high standard of quality, Quuu has some guidelines that all post promoters need to follow. Our posts have been turned away at the last minute for (accidentally) not adhering to their guidelines, so check out their guidelines ahead of time.
- Pick the Relevant Audience: Achieving success on Quuu Promote is largely due to categorizing your posts into the most relevant interest category, so always pick the best category that suits the core audience you’re trying to reach.
- Include Hashtags: Use anywhere from 1-3 relevant hashtags in your posts to make them more engaging and discoverable.
- Some Emojis: As of right now, Quuu Promote doesn’t support all forms of emojis so you might see some of them turn into question marks when you go to submit your post for review. Don’t panic, as the Quuu Promote team will remove any unsupported emojis from your post when they review it.
- Don’t Add Other Links: The posts you promote can only feature their own custom link created by Quuu, so don’t try to add in any others.
- Include Mentions: Mention your own social media account or give credit to the source of the content you’re sharing by using the “@” sign and the relevant Twitter handle.
- Add Images: You can add your own images to your posts just by uploading them, or you can let Quuu select the feature image of your content instead.
The Cost of Quuu Promote vs. Facebook Ads
To bring the cost of running content promotion campaigns on Quuu Promote into perspective, we’ll compare it to the cost of running Facebook Ads.
There are so many variables that impact the cost and results of Facebook Ads so this is a guideline only, but it will help give a benchmark of what kind of return on investment (ROI) you can expect from Quuu Promote versus one of the most popular promotion channels in the digital marketing landscape.
According to AdEspresso, the Facebook Ads cost-per-click (CPC) — which is calculated by dividing the total cost of your clicks by the total number of clicks — in 2017 existed within this range:
- $2.09 CPC: The highest average CPC for ads promoted to the Czech Republic
- $1.15 CPC: The average CPC for ads promoted on Instagram newsfeeds
- $1.10 CPC: The average CPC for ads promoted to the USA
- $0.97 CPC: The average CPC for ads promoted to any country
- $0.75 CPC: The lowest average CPC for ads promoted to Croatia, Cyprus, and Switzerland
According to our Quuu Promote results, the CPC we experienced, on average, for the campaigns we promoted were as followed:
- $0.73 CPC: Posts with 0-100 clicks with an average of 55 clicks/post
- $0.27 CPC: Posts with 100-200 clicks with an average of 149 clicks/post
- $0.16 CPC: Posts with 200-300 clicks with an average of 247 clicks/post
- $0.11 CPC: Posts with 300-400 clicks with an average of 358 clicks/post
- $0.09 CPC: Posts with 400-500 clicks with an average of 446 clicks/post
- $0.07 CPC: Posts with 500-600 clicks with an average of 565 clicks/post
- $0.06 CPC: Posts with 600-700 clicks with an average of 648 clicks/post
- $0.05 CPC: Posts with 700-800 clicks with an average of 759 clicks/post
- $0.03 CPC: Posts with 1000-2000 clicks with an average of 1487 clicks/post
While the reach of Quuu Promote posts and Facebook Ads will likely vary, it’s pretty astonishing that we could receive upwards of 1487 clicks and 876 shares, on average, for our best-performing posts and the cost-per-click would work out to $0.03.
Even our worst-performing posts on Quuu Promote received 55 clicks and 367 shares on average, and cost us $0.73 CPC on average, which is still less expensive than the lowest average cost-per-click for Facebook Ads promoted to Croatia, Cyprus, and Switzerland. We’re pretty impressed with that.
Out of 170 posts promoted on Quuu Promote, the average amount of clicks received was 255 per post, which works out to an average cost-per-click of $0.16. The average amount of shares overall was 421 which again, we’re pretty impressed with the average cost-per-click generating that amount of engagement.
With impressive engagement like we’ve seen from Quuu Promote and the low cost-per-click amounts, it’s safe to say that we’re not stopping at just 170 post promotions. It’s an effective, efficient, automated, and easy content promotion platform and we hope this article has given you ideas about how it could work for your content promotion strategies, too.